Josephine, Created December 2008

Josephine, Created December 2008

Josephine, Coffee Kahlua Tiramisu, Created December 2008 for introduction January 2009

I have a strong love of tiramisu and rarely have I found a tiramisu that I love and adore as a must have.  Josephine was my creative interpretation in the form of a cookie, and as with most ideas, I like to put my own spin on a traditional concept and that is how Josephine was born.  She was created as the first in a series of what became our featured cookie of the month.  Always needing an excuse to create, the cookie of the month became a thing. The base is a chocolate coffee, and the frosting is a Kahlua mascarpone, topped with a dark chocolate covered coffee bean. Most people haven’t figured out that I’m LDS, and I jokingly say “How do Mormons get their alcohol? In food.”  But of course alcohol either bakes off or evaporates, leaving behind the awesome flavor that it provides. So I’m not actually breaking the word of wisdom (w.o.w.) for those curious souls. For those of you who may not know, the word of wisdom is a health code guideline for healthy living that keep church members away from habits that are typically addictive or unhealthy to the body, but then there is ice cream and I’m not sure who can stay away from ice cream! *wink*wink*.

I am a lover of people and basically feel that judging others is a reflection of an vulnerable soul, I always hope to get the same level of respect in return, but then again, I’m secure enough to simply “do what I want” because I believe that I operate on great integrity. So basically, this whole cookie is not in alignment with the “w.o.w.” by premise because it also has coffee, which has caffeine, however this has unleaded decaf in it, so on technicalities that I worked around it is completely legit, as I have bypassed the factors that would have made it “improper”. Sort of like creating Kosher for honorable reasons, it is about reverence and adherence to religious tradition. Same but different. A work-around of sorts, like creating gluten free for the intolerants, you find a way to create an edible solution. But I’m telling you, it has a WOW factor that is undeniable, and your palate will love it!  Alright, so that revealed a little TMI about me while telling you about the cookie history. Oh, wow!  Sorry for all that unnecessary back story, but sometimes people actually like to know those bits about me.

Date of Journal Entry: 01-27-20