About Us


Admired for being tastemakers in novel ways, RubySnap is an exceptional cookie bakery celebrated for using fresh ingredients to design innovative flavor combinations.

Thoughtfully using pure chocolates, clean nut butters, local seasonal produce, and rich dairy creams to create quality. From vanilla beans hand-picked at plantations in Bali to mangoes & coconut brought in from the Philippines. All of which are carefully curated from various farms, fruit orchards and well researched suppliers.

Every small batch is hand-prepared to Ruby’s specifications and baked fresh daily.


We like to say every cookie is packed with 28g of love because we only use real butter, pure cane sugar, fresh farm eggs, and all goodness. The fact is the real ingredients taste really good!

You Know You Want My Cookies

Good News! RubySnap sells Bake-At-Home cookies in Grocery Stores too!
Your house is gonna smell SOoooo good!

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