Betty, Creation year 2008

Betty! Near and dear to my heart, named after my mother. Which is ironic that this is my father’s favorite RubySnap cookie. I can’t say that I created this because it is her favorite flavor, maybe more that it represents goodness for me. Betty is quite literally the most selfless human I have met. I have learned many lessons from her on patience, kindness, giving, caring, and selflessness. Betty taught me to cook, although I had no interest as a young girl. As an adult I am grateful for her example and that she empowered me with independence and survival skills as a mother. My admiration for her is endless.
Designed in early 2008 and appeared on our menu in 2009 as our February special of the month.
Like most of the cookies I create, I am always looking for moisture and an oatmeal cookie should be no different. My father disagrees and purposefully overbakes them, that is his prerogative, I suppose that’s what milk is for. This cookie encompasses my love affair with dried fruits, using Mediterranean apricots and dried Montmorency cherries. Ironically it has very little added sugar, as the fruits take care of all the sweetness. I fell in love with dried fruits and nuts as my favorite desk snack in the 80’s while working for an investment banking firm, George K. Baum, in Denver, Colorado. The Rocky Mtn Fruit and Nut company would come door to door and I was a willing client. I felt so “granola” and cool in my fine fitted suits. They called me Two Toned Tami in the office because I always coordinated just two colors in my outfits. Simplicity. This very day, I still eat cherries, apricots, cashews, and almonds at my desk.
I’ve written a million more endearments in my journal about my memories of Betty the cookie and Betty my mother, for now I will leave you with the letter B. BIG B, Little b, what begins with B? Barber baby bubbles and a bumblebee.