Nina, Creation year 2011

Nina Nina Star Ballerina was a storybook I loved reading to my girls when they were growing up, so I was elated to name a cookie Nina after our graphic designer’s daughter. Nina the cookie is a coffee toffee topped with a brazil nut, fixed in semi-sweet chocolate. Proudly, all of our chocolates are pure chocolate with no additives, simply the pure parts of the bean, not very common in the world of cookies. My graphic designer, whom I call Mysterious Trousers, was a God send when he tracked me down in April of 2009, only four months after our official opening. My version of meeting him sounds like the following and I’m sure it’s a 100% true: First Mr. M called and persuaded me to meet with him, on the day of his arrival he appeared on a Vespa (in a confident side slide with a squeal in the skid of his trusty tires), Clark Kent glasses on and a bonified fedora hat, he pulled his Mac out of his backpack, and the rest is history. My struggling self-taught graphic skills had much to be desired and we seemed to share the same creative gene pool. It felt like Mr. Mysterious reached into my head and captured the personification of all my goals. Later in May of 2011, Nina the cookie was presented to the public and added to our menu. Nina the cookie uses “unleaded” coffee, code word caffeine free and she is lovely paired with a hot drink, blanket, and a good book.
Factoid: This cookie is no longer in our bakery case line up but will now be featured in our newly introduced Cookie of the Month Club. Yay! It’s a very fun cookie.