Harvesting Happiness for Heros: It Takes Passion to Make it Real

Harvesting Happiness for Heros: It Takes Passion to Make it Real

Blog Guest Tami Steggel, speaking on: It Takes Passion to Make it Real

Mar 14, 2015

At the end of the day what lies behind and beyond happiness is passion. We know love is the best medicine but passion is the fire that ignites, drives and sustains joy.

Take a look at my friend, Tami’s, guest blog. Tami and I met years ago when she opened the best cookie bakery shop on the planet. RubySnap was and is her happiness project.

Watching her build a spectacular business through what lights her fire and adds meaning to her life has been a joy. Her cookies are insane. We buy her frozen dough regularly and have it shipped with love from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles.

PASSION!  It takes passion to make it real.  True story.  You can’t fake a genuine pursuit.

RubySnap is the real deal, day after busy, hectic, wonderful, thoughtful, insane day. We love what we do, all of us, but I guarantee either the journey would end, or it would cease to be as authentic without passion in the middle of everything.

Passion supersedes goals. Goals can be set aside, passion lives within your bones, your mind, and your heart.  You can’t shake passion, it follows you everywhere you go. My passion happens to be creativity and recipe development. Even when I don’t wish to be creating, I am.  If I’m on vacation, out to eat, grocery shopping, sleeping, recipes are born and built from the simplest of life’s experiences. Passion is like my conscience sitting on my shoulder with a fervent tap, tap, tap, reminding me that I have a lucky job to do. Sometimes it is like a curse, but I am grateful for it. I’m certain it is the same drive that lives within music composers, software developers, most any genuine entrepreneur.

There are days when I feel overwhelmed and I say to myself “I could walk, I have no loans and no debt.  I could step away on move on.”  The passion inside me won’t allow it.  That is when one knows true passion exists, when you would cease to be who you truly are without chasing your passion.

Finding HappinessFinding SuccessWomen entrepreneurs